The Online Reader Service



At this point, the collection of services is not yet complete, but it is our hope to put more of these services online as time and opportunity permit. At this point, only the services of Small and Great Compline and the Midnight Office take into account Lenten variations. In time, Lenten texts of the hours, Vespers, and Matins, will be added. All of these services are set up as reader services, for use when there is no priest to serve the usual services. The translation used is primarily that of Fr. Lawrence of Jordanville. The order of service is based primarily on the Reader Service Typikon by Bishop Daniel (the Old Rite Bishop of the ROCA) and translated by Fr. George Lardas. All the psalms are from The Psalter According to the Seventy, Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, used by permission. Some other material, such as prayers and hymns, are also Copyright HTM, used by permission. All rights reserved. These works may not be further reproduced, beyond printing out a single copy for personal non-commercial use, without the prior written authorization of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.


It should be noted that these are not official liturgical texts of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and no doubt have some shortcomings that will hopefully be improved over time.


Most of these texts had minor revisions, which were posted on 2-24-2002


The Reader Service Typikon


Holy Week Reader Services Texts



The All-Night Vigil

Vespers, Matins, and the First Hour


The All-Night Vigil in Word Format


Rubrics for upcoming Vigils



For Sundays and Feasts, when Matins is served separately


Daily Matins

(Outside of Lent)


The First Hour


The Third and Sixth Hours


The Third and Sixth Hours in Word Format


Typika (Obednitsa)


Typika in Word Format


The Variable portions of Typika


The Ninth Hour




Small Compline


Small Compline in Word Format


Great Compline


The Midnight Office

(for Weekdays)


The Midnight Office

(For Saturdays)


The Midnight Office

(For Sundays)


The Midnight Office

In Word Format


Moleben (Paraklesis)


Canons and Akathists


Prayers Before and After Meals


The Rule of St. Pachomius


Instructions on How to Do Reader Services


Instructions for the Church Reader


Practical Questions on How to Do Reader Services


Comments on Reader Services by Archbishop Averky


A Discussion Group For Readers, and those interested in Reader Services




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