Articles for those who wish to know the Truth about the Panteleimonite Schism and the so called

“Holy Orthodox Church in North America



      A Chronology of the Schism


        An Open Letter From Fr. Victor Potapov to those going into Schism


        An Open Letter From Fr. Alexander Lebedeff


        A More Recent Post to the Orthodox-Synod List by Fr. Alexander


        Another Recent Post to the Orthodox List by Fr. Alexander


        Two Examples of Panteleimonite Slander And the Truth


        Two Common Panteleimonite Red Herrings


        Two posts from a former member of HOCNA


        A Former Follower of HTM Comments on Their Credibility


        Posts from Polychronios Moniodis on this subject


        Posts from Fr. John Shaw on this subject


        Posts from Fr. John Whiteford on this subject


A Collection of articles on a Panteleimonite Web site – both containing the text of official ROCA letters on their schism, and a number of apologetic pieces defending their schism


The Response to Elder Tavrion, including the "Declaration" of the ROCA Synod reiterating their official ecclesiology in the face of extremist views.  Note: This occurred during the time of Metropolitan Philaret… and though the Panteleimonites speak highly of him now that he is no longer around to rebuke their schism, they have made him their hero, but this article speaks of an episode in which Panteleimonite extremists were accusing him of betraying the faith.  HOCNA apologist would have you believe that the ROCA changed, but had the charges against Fr. Panteleimon resulted in a serious investigation during the time of Metropolitan Philaret, we would now being hearing of how long they endured his compromises before they could take no more.

As Fr. Victor Potapov pointed out in his Open Letter:

On August 9/22, 1981 the Holy Transfiguration Monastery sent a letter to Metropolitan Philaret. This letter was signed not just by Archimandrite Panteleimon, but by all the monks and novices of his monastery, and also by the nuns and novices of the Holy Nativity Convent. Is it not highly improper for monks and even novices, who are taught by the fathers of the Boston Monastery to remain silent, to sign letters critical of the First Hierarch of our Church? Is this the "obedience" in which the monks and novices of the Boston Monastery are taught? The obedience of criticism?

The authors begin their epistle by asking for the blessing of Metropolitan Philaret, addressing him as "Beloved and most respected Vladika," and continue "with love and reverence (we) make a poklon (prostration—V.P.) and kiss your right hand." Then, having dispensed with these hypocritical niceties, the authors "communicate this our sorrow and bewilderment to you, our father, that you may be informed of it, and lest, through silence, we should be party to the positions expounded in this issue" (of The Orthodox Word—V.P.). 

See the The Response to Elder Tavrion for the details on why they found this issue of The Orthodox Word objectionable, of how Metropolitan Philaret was accused of betraying the Faith, and of the Metropolitan’s (and Synod’s) response.


Articles on Positions of the ROCA often questioned by HOCNA:


·        1983 Council of Bishops Resolution on Ecumenism: discusses the 1983 Anathema; include comments by Fr. Alexander Lebedeff.

·        Not the First time: Even during the time of Metropolitan Philaret, the extremists were accusing the ROCOR of modernism and ecumenism

·        Epistle to the Russian Church Flock (1987), concerning the restoration of communion with the Moscow Patriarchate.

·        Epistle to the Russian Church Flock (1994), concerning their stance in exile and their relations with the Moscow Patriarchate.

·        Is the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Nationalistic?: comments by Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff

·        How Does the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad View the Catacomb Church and the Moscow Patriarchate?: comments by Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff

·        Is the Moscow Patriarchate the "Mother Church" of the ROCOR?, by Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff. Also includes a compilation of discussions surrounding the issue of Grace in the Moscow Patriarchate.

·        Responses to More Recent Claims Against the ROCOR


Articles on Two HOCNA Pet-Peeves:




·                    The Toll-Houses

·                    The Ancient of Days Icon