Forgiveness Sunday / Hieromartyr Hermogenes of Moscow
Beatitudes Verses, on 12: 4 from the Octoechos, 4 from Ode 3 Triodion; 4 from Ode 6 of the Hieromartyr
1. From paradise didst Thou drive our forefather Adam, who had broken Thy commandment, O Christ; but, O Compassionate One, Thou didst cause to dwell therein the thief who confessed Thee on the cross, crying out: “Remember me, O Savior, in Thy kingdom!”
2. With the curse of death didst Thou condemn us who had sinned, O Lord, Bestower of life; yet having suffered in Thy flesh, O sinless Master, Thou hast granted life unto mortals who cry out: “Remember us also in Thy kingdom!”
3. In rising from the dead, Thou hast raised us up from the passions with Thyself through Thy resurrection, O Lord; and all the power of death hast Thou destroyed, O Savior. Wherefore, with faith we cry out to Thee: “Remember us also in Thy kingdom!”
4. O Thou who as God grantest life, by Thy three days in the tomb Thou didst raise up with Thyself the dead in hell, and as One Who is good Thou hast poured forth incorruption upon all of us who with faith ever cry out: “Remember us also in Thy kingdom!”
5. Long ago the crafty serpent envied my honor and whispered deceit in Eve’s ear. By her was I led astray and banished, woe is me! from the dance of life!
6. Rashly I stretched out my hand and tasted from the tree of knowledge, though God had ordered me on no account to eat from it; and I was bitterly cast out from the divine glory.
7. Woe to thee, my wretched soul! How hast thou not recognized the craftiness of the enemy? How hast thou not perceived his deceit and envy? But thou wast darkened in mind and hast transgressed the commandment of thy maker.
8. O holy Virgin, thou art my hope and my protection, for thou alone hast covered fallen Adam’s nakedness: by thy childbearing, pure Lady, clothe me once more with incorruption.
9. With thine own hand, O holy hierarch, thou didst write a staunch confession of unadulterated Faith, and didst proclaim this Faith before the whole Church in the Cathedral of the Dormition of the all-pure one, that all Russia might see the rock of the true Faith, whereon it is founded and made steadfast in Orthodoxy.
10. Thy tongue was the pen of a swiftly writing scribe, whereby the mouth of the sinner and the mouth of the deceiver were stopped, and the tumult of the ungodly was quelled.
11. Dispelling the darkness of falsehood with the word of truth, and blessing the Orthodox army to do battle with the traitors, thou didst bear the wonder-working relics of the Tsarevich Demetrius through the streets of Moscow, that the truth of God might be known and the Orthodox land might be strengthened.
12. O Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of Christians, protect, preserve, keep and save Russia, which hath recourse to thine aid.
Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad; let earthly things rejoice; /
for the Lord hath wrought might with His arm. /
He hath trampled down death by death; /
the first-born of the dead hath He become. /
From the belly of Hades hath He delivered us //
and Hath granted to the world great mercy.
Glory… Tone 4: O foremost hierarch of the Russian land /
and tireless advocate for it before God, /
laying down thy life for the Faith of Christ and thy flock, /
thou didst deliver thy land from ungodliness. /
Wherefore, we cry aloud unto thee: /
Save us by thy supplications, //
O hieromartyr Hermogenes our father!
Both now… Tone 4: The mystery hidden from before the ages /
and unknown even to the angels, /
through thee, O Theotokos, hath been revealed to those on earth: /
God incarnate in unconfused union, /
Who willingly accepted the Cross for our sake /
and thereby raising up the first-formed man, //
hath saved our souls from death.
The Epistle
Reader: The Prokimenon in the 8th Tone: Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.
Choir: Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.
Reader: In Judea is God known, His name is great in Israel.
Choir: Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.
Reader: In the 7th Tone: The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.
Choir: The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.
Reader: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans:
[Rom. 13:11-14:4 (§112); Heb. 13:17-21 (§335)]
Reader: Alleluia in the 6th Tone: It is good to give praise unto the Lord and to chant unto Thy name, O Most High.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: To proclaim in the morning Thy mercy, and Thy truth by night.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: In the 4th Tone: The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel [Matt. 6:14-21 (§17); John 10:9-16 (§36)]
Tone 6: Wasting away in imprisonment and starvation, /
thou didst remain faithful even unto death, O blessed Hermogenes, /
driving faintheartedness from the hearts of thy people /
and calling all to the common struggle. /
Wherefore, thou didst set at nought the rebellion of the ungodly /
and make our land steadfast, /
that all might cry out to thee: //
Rejoice, O helper of the Russian land!
Glory... Both now... Tone 6: O Thou guide unto wisdom, /
bestower of prudence, instructor of the foolish and defender of the poor: /
Establish and grant understanding unto my heart, O Master. /
Grant me speech, O Word of the Father; /
for behold, I shall not keep my lips from crying unto Thee: O Merciful One, //
have mercy on me who have fallen.