The Royal Martyrs
Beatitude Verses: Martyrs 4 from Ode 3; 4 from Ode 6.
1 & 2. At God’s behest, the guardian angel was
taken away from the land of Russia, her enemies assumed the rule over it, and
they that despise her prosper, because of the multitudes of the impieties of
what before was a pious land; and her princes languish among alien peoples. Spurn
not utterly thy suffering people, O Lord, but turn Thou and establish them on
the rock of Thy commandments.
3. How long, O Lord, will the way of the wicked
prosper? How long will the land weep because of the evil of those who dwell
therein? Hierarchs, priests, princes and faithful people have been cast down
and slain. How long, O Lord, O true and holy Master, wilt Thou refrain from
condemning Thine enemies for their blood? Have mercy and deliver us all from
Thine enemies, and save our souls.
4. Bereft of deliverance, the land which before was
called Christian hath been filled with tribulation and groaning, saying amid
its suffering: We have sinned and transgressed, falling away from Thee, O Lord,
and have not obeyed Thy commandments, nor kept them. Turn us to repentance, O
God, and establish us upon the immovable rock of Thy commandments.
5. The Lord hath granted consolation, for the mercy
of the Lord hath not forsaken us and His compassion hath not ended; for they
are renewed with each passing day. Wherefore, let us trust in God; the Lord is
our portion, let us hope in Him Who is able to deliver us from all misfortunes,
as He did Jonah from the sea monster.
6. It is a good thing to seek God, for the Lord is
good to those who trust in Him, and good it is for the soul which awaiteth in
patience the salvation of God, who giveth his face to the smiter and accepteth
abuse, that the Lord not utterly reject it, but deliver from destruction the
souls of the humble who trust in Him.
7. The Lord hath sent woe upon a sinful people, but
He hath mercy according to His great goodness and love in His care, for He hath
smitten and rendered bitter the lot of the children of men not out of the
volition of His heart, but when they trampled upon His commandments; for from
the Most High come punishment and prosperity alike. Let not every mortal
complain concerning his chastisement, but let his face be downcast because of
his sins and let him lament until he sinketh down in death and beholdeth the
Lord from heaven.
8. Now do I flee unto thee, O all-pure one. Save me
by thy supplications, and preserve me; for what thou wishest, thou canst do, as
thou art the Mother of the Almighty.
Tone 5: Meekly didst thou endure
bonds and diverse sufferings, /
the loss of an earthly kingdom, /
didst bear witness for Christ even unto death /
the hands of those that fight against God, /
great passion-bearer, divinely-crowned Tsar Nicholas; /
Christ God hath crowned thee in the heavens with a martyr’s crown, /
with thy queen, thy children, and thy servants. /
do thou entreat //
have mercy on the Russian land and save our souls.
Glory… Tone 4: Causing
meekness, humility and love to dwell in thy soul, /
thou didst earnestly serve the suffering, O holy passion-bearer
Princess Elizabeth; /
wherefore, with faith thou didst endure sufferings and death for
Christ, /
with the martyr Barbara. //
With her pray for all who honor thee with love.
Both now… Tone 4: The mystery hidden from before the ages /
and unknown even to the
angels, /
through thee, O Theotokos,
hath been revealed to those on earth: /
God incarnate in unconfused
union, /
Who willingly accepted the
Cross for our sake /
and thereby raising up the
first-formed man, //
hath saved our souls from
The Epistle
Reader: The Prokimenon in the 7th Tone: For
Thy sake, O Lord, we are slain all the day long.
Choir: For Thy sake, O Lord, we are slain all the day long.
Reader: We are
counted as sheep for the slaughter.
Choir: For Thy sake, O Lord, we are slain all the
day long.
Reader: For Thy sake, O Lord.
Choir: We are slain all the day
Reader: The
[Romans 8:28-39
Reader: Alleluia in the 1st Tone.
Choir: Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: Our God is refuge and strength, a helper in afflictions which mightily
befall us.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia,
Reader: O Lord, save the king, and hearken unto us in
the day when we call upon Thee.
Choir: Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel [John 15:17-16:2 (§52)]
Tone 6: Hope made strong the Tsar-martyr /
with his queen and children and
servants, /
and incited them ardently toward Thy
love, /
thereby foreshadowing for them the
future rest; /
through their intercessions, //
O Lord, have mercy on us.
Glory… Tone 4:
Taking up the Cross of Christ, /
thou didst pass from royal
glory to the glory of heaven, /
praying for thine enemies, O
holy martyred Princess Elizabeth; /
and with the martyr Barbara
thou didst find everlasting joy. //
Therefore, pray ye in behalf
of our souls.
Both now… Tone 6: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, /
O mediation unto the
Creator unfailing, /
disdain not the suppliant
voices of sinners, /
but be thou quick, O good
one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee; /
hasten to intercession and
speed thou to make supplication, //
thou who dost ever
protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee.