Forgiveness Sunday / The Casting out of Adam (Cheesefare) /

Hieromartyr Hermogenes of Moscow, Tone 3


Great Vespers: Blessed is the man.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 3, on 10: Octoechos 4; Triodion 3 (The Lord my Creator); Hierarch 3 (The voice of the Holy Orthodox Church); G: Triodion (Adam sat before Paradise); N: Sunday Dogmatic in the tone of the week.

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 6: The Lord is King. 3 Readings of the Hierarch.

Litia: Sticheron of the Temple; Triodion (Woe is me! – from the stichera at the Praises, Triodion, p. 178); Triodion (The arena of the virtuesTriodion, p. 178f); G: Hierarch (What is this festival?); N: Triodion (The sun hid its raysTriodion, p. 169).

Aposticha: Octoechos, G: Hierarch (Like a most precious shrine); N: Triodion (Adam was cast out).

Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin x2; Hierarch (x1).


Matins: God is the Lord, Tone 3; Troparia: Resurrection x2, G: Hierarch (O foremost hierarch of the Russian land); N: Resurrectional Theotokion, Tone 4 (The mystery hidden).

After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Polyeleos; By the waters of Babylon; Magnification of the Hierarch: We magnify thee, O holy hierarch father Hermogenes, and we honor thy holy memory; for thou dost pray for us to Christ our God.* Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed).

Hypakoe of the Tone; all the Sessional hymn of the Hierarch. Hymns of Ascents, and Prokimenon, Tone 3.

Matins Gospel 3, Mark 16:9-20 (§71).

Having beheld the Resurrection; Psalm 50; G: The doors of repentance; N: Guide me in the paths of salvation; Have mercy on me, O God; When I think of the multitude of evil things I have done. Save, O God, Thy people.


Canon:  Resurrection                         4              Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

                Theotokos                             2              O Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

                Triodion                                 4              Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

Hierarch                                4              Holy Hierarch Hermogenes, pray to God for us.

                Irmos of the Resurrectional Canon, Tone 3.

                Katavasia: Crossing the deep on foot (in the Triodion).


After Ode 3, Kontakion (Wasting away in imprisonment) and Ikos of the Hieromartyr; sessional hymn of the Hieromartyr (Ascending to the summit of heaven); G/N: Triodion (Adam was cast out).

After Ode 6, Kontakion (O Thou guide unto wisdom) and Ikos of the Triodion.

At Ode 9, More Honorable.

Holy is the Lord, our God.

Exapostilaria: Resurrection; G: Hierarch (In the light of Orthodoxy); N: Triodion (In my wretchedness).

Praises, Tone 3, on 9: Octoechos 4, Hierarch 4 (Praise the saint in his power – with the Doxasticon (Come ye, let us bless), with the following verses for the last two stichera of the Hierarch: 1) Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. 2) They priest shall be clothed with righteousness, and Thy righteous shall rejoice; then the verse Arise, O Lord my God, and the sticheron of the Triodion: Adam was driven out; G: Triodion (The time is now at hand); N: Most blessed art thou. After the Great Doxology, the Troparion: Today is salvation; the two remaining Litanies and Resurrectional Dismissal; after the Dismissal: G/N: Gospel Sticheron; followed by First Hour.


* The magnification is sung only once, by the clergy. The selected psalm verses are not sung on Sundays, unless it is a Great Feast of the Lord.


Hours: Troparion: Resurrection; G: Hierarch; Kontakion: Hierarch & Triodion, alternating.


Note: At the Proskomedia three Lambs are prepared: one for Liturgy of the day, and two for the Presanctified Liturgies on Wednesday and Friday of the first week of Lent. And on each Sunday through Palm Sunday, as many additional Lambs are prepared as will be needed for the number of Presanctified Liturgies served between that Sunday and the next full Liturgy. When Annunciation falls during the week, any Lambs that would be needed for a Presanctified Liturgy between that Liturgy and the next Sunday would be prepared at that time.


Liturgy: Beatitudes on 12: Octoechos: 4; Triodion: 4, from Ode 3; Hierarch: 4, from Ode 6.

After the entrance: Troparion of the Resurrection; Hierarch G: Kontakion of the Hierarch; N: Kontakion of the Triodion.

Prokimenon Tone 8: Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God. Tone 7: The righteous man shall rejoice in the Lord.

Epistle: Rom. 13:11-14:4 (§112); Heb. 13:17-21 (§335).

Alleluia, Tone 6 & Tone 4.

Gospel: Matt. 6:14-21 (§17); John 10:9-16 (§36).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord in the heavens. & In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be. Resurrectional Dismissal.


Sunday Evening Vespers: No Kathisma. 

Lord I have Cried, Tone 3, on 10:  Penitential Stichera from the Octoechos 4 (With incense and with spiritual songs – Triodion, p. 185); Triodion 3 (Let us all make haste to humble the flesh by abstinence); Hierarch 3 (What shall we name thee (St. Leo, Pope of Rome, February 18th)); G/N: Theotokion, Tone 8 (Whom hast thou imitated, O wretched soul – from the Menaion).

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Great Prokimenon, Tone 8: Turn not Thy countenance away from Thy servant, for I am afflicted; quickly hearken unto me. Attend unto my soul and deliver it.

During the final repetition of the prokimenon, the priest closes the Royal Doors, removes his phelonion and puts on a dark epitrachelion, and goes out to the Ambon. All the other liturgical covers are likewise changed.

Vouchsafe, O Lord.

Then the Litany, Let us complete our evening prayer unto the Lord, with the choir singing the responses according to the penitential Lenten melody.

Aposticha: Triodion (Stichera and verses, beginning with Thy grace has shone forth, O Lord), G/N: Theotokion in the Triodion (The ranks of the angels glorify thee).

Now lettest Thou Thy servant. Trisagion to Our Father.  

Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin (with a great prostration); G: O Baptizer of Christ (great prostration): N: Plead in our behalf (great prostration); Beneath thy compassion (without a prostration).

Lord, have mercy x40; G/N: More Honorable. In the name of the Lord, father bless. Priest: He that is is blessed. Reader: O Heavenly King, strengthen Orthodox Christians.

Then the priest says the prayer of St. Ephrem with 3 prostrations, then the Dismissal.* And we kiss the icons, the Cross, and the priest; and the faithful, having asked forgiveness of one another, enter into the holy Forty Days.


Small Compline: Without canon.


*In parishes, instead of the usual dismissal, the priest reads the prayer O Master plenteous in mercy (which is the dismissal at Great Compline), while we prostrate ourselves, and he asks forgiveness of the faithful, usually preceding this with a word of instruction appropriate to the occasion.