The Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

Tone 2 / Second Sunday of Lent


Great Vespers: Blessed is the man.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 2, on 10: Octoechos 6; Hierarch 4 (What hymns of praise – from the Triodion); G: Hierarch (Thrice-blessed saint); N: Sunday Dogmatic in the tone of the week.

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 6: The Lord is King.

Aposticha: Octoechos; G: Hierarch (Thy tongue, watchful in teaching); N: Theotokion, Tone 8 (O unwedded Virgin).

Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin x3.


Matins: God is the Lord, Tone 2; Troparia: Resurrection x2; G: Hierarch (Light of Orthodoxy); N: Resurrectional Theotokion, Tone 8 (O Good One, Who for our sake wast born of the Virgin).

After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Blessed are the blameless; Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed).

Hypakoe; Hymns of Ascents; and Prokimenon, Tone 2.

Matins Gospel 10, John 21:1-14 (§66).

Having beheld the Resurrection; Psalm 50; G: The doors of repentance; N: Guide me in the paths of salvation; Have mercy on me, O God; When I think of the multitude of evil things I have done. Save, O God, Thy people.


Canon:  Resurrection                                         4              Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

                Triodion (first canon)                          4             Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

                Triodion (canon of the Saint)            6              Holy Hierarch, Father Gregory, pray to God for us.

                Irmos of the Resurrectional Canon, Tone 2.

                Katavasia: I shall open my mouth


After Ode 3, Kontakion (The season of the virtues) and Sessional hymn of the Triodion (O wise Gregory); N: Theotokion (Be swift to receive our prayers, O Lady).

After Ode 6, Kontakion (O sacred and divine organ of wisdom) and Ikos of the Hierarch.

At Ode 9, More Honorable.

Holy is the Lord, our God. 

Exapostilaria: Resurrection; G: Hierarch (Rejoice, glory of the fathers); N: Theotokion in the Triodion (O Lady, Queen of all).

Praises, Tone 2, on 9: Octoechos 5; Triodion 4 (sticheron: In the world thou hast lived a life of blessedness; verse: The mouth of the righteous; sticheron: O blessed saint; verse: Thy priests shall be clothed with righteousness; sticheron: The glory of thy blameless life; verse: Arise, O Lord my God; sticheron: In this season of abstinence); G: Triodion (In this season of abstinence); N: Most blessed art thou. After the Great Doxology, the troparion: Having risen; the two remaining Litanies and Resurrectional Dismissal; after the Dismissal: G/N: Gospel Sticheron; followed by First Hour.


Hours: Troparion: Resurrection; G: Hierarch; Kontakion: Triodion and Hierarch, alternating.


Liturgy of St. Basil the Great: Beatitudes on 10: Octoechos 6; Hierarch 4, from Ode 3.

After the entrance: In a Temple of the Lord: Troparion of the Resurrection; Hierarch; G: Kontakion of the Hierarch; N: Kontakion of the Triodion.

                In a Temple of the Theotokos: Troparion of the Resurrection; Temple; Hierarch; Kontakion of the Triodion; G: Hierarch; N: Temple

                In a Temple of a Saint: Troparion of the Resurrection; Temple; Hierarch; Kontakion of the Temple; G: Hierarch; N: Triodion.

Prokimenon, Tone 5: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep. & Tone 1: My mouth shall speak wisdom.

Epistle: Heb. 1:10-2:3 (§304); Heb. 7:26-8:2 (§318).

Alleluia, Tone 2 (Octoechos & Hierarch).

Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 (§7); John 10:9-16 (§36).

Instead of It is truly meet: All creation Rejoiceth.

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord in the heavens. & In everlasting remembrance. Resurrectional Dismissal.


Sunday Evening Vespers: As on Cheesefare Sunday.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 2, on 10: Penitential Stichera from the Octoechos 4 (Like the prodigal son – Triodion, p. 184f); Triodion 3 (I have sinned against Thee countless times); Martyrs 3 (Having received the effulgence – Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, March 19); G/N: Theotokion in the Menaion (O most immaculate Virgin Mother).

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Great Prokimenon, Tone 8: Turn not Thy countenance away from Thy servant.

During the final repetition of the prokimenon, the priest closes the Royal Doors, removes his phelonion and puts on a dark epitrachilion, and goes out to the Ambon. All the other liturgical covers are likewise changed.

Vouchsafe, O Lord.

Then the Litany, Let us complete our evening prayer unto the Lord, with the choir singing the responses according to the penitential Lenten melody.

Aposticha: Triodion (Stichera and verses, beginning with Throwing off from my unruly mind), G/N: Theotokion in the Triodion (The heavenly powers praise thee).

Now lettest Thou Thy servant.

Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin (with a great prostration); G: O Baptizer of Christ (with a great prostration): N: Plead in our behalf (great prostration); Beneath thy compassion (without a prostration).

Lord, have mercy x40; G/N: More Honorable. In the name of the Lord, father bless. Priest: He that is is blessed. Reader: O Heavenly King, strengthen Orthodox Christians.

Then the priest says the prayer of St. Ephrem with 3 prostrations, then the Dismissal.