The Synaxis of the
Three Great Hierarchs
Vespers: Blessed is the man.
Lord I
have Cried, Tone 4, on 8: Saint 8 (As is meet, let us glorify); G: Saints (Let us praise today); N: Dogmatic Theotokion, Tone 6 (Who doth
not call thee blessed).
Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 1: Thy mercy, O Lord, shall pursue me.
Readings for the Saints.
Litia: Temple and
Aposticha: Saints (As
is meet, today let us praise); G: Saints (Today
are the souls of mortals upborne); N: Theotokion in the Menaion (Today
is Christ borne into the sanctuary).
Saints x2 (In that ye share in the way of
the apostles); O Theotokos and Virgin
God is the
Lord, Tone 4; Troparia: Saints x2;
G/N: Resurrectional Theotokion, Tone 4 (The mystery hidden).
After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns of the Saints.
Polyeleos and
Magnification of the Saints: We magnify you, O Hierarchs of Christ: Basil
the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and we honor your holy
memory; for ye do pray for us to Christ our God. Psalm verse: O hear ye
this, all ye people; ponder it with your ears, all ye that dwell in the world.
Sessional hymns of the Saints
(Let the all-wise teachers); G: (The Church doth celebrate today); N: O invincible intercessor.
Hymns of Ascents, First
Antiphon, Tone 4: From my youth.
Prokimenon of the Saints,
Tone 4: Thy priests shall be clothed with
Matins Gospel: John
10:9-16 (§36).
Psalm 50; G: Through the prayers of the holy hierarchs
Basil the Great, Gregory the theologian, and John Chrysostom; N: Through the prayers of the Theotokos; Have mercy on me, O God. Sticheron of
the Saints in the Menaion (Grace was poured
forth). Save, O God, Thy people.
Canon: Theotokos 6 Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Saints (both canons) 8 Holy Three Hierarchs of Christ, pray to
God for us.
Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn.
Katavasia of the Presentation: The Sun
once shone with its rays
After Ode 3, Sessional Hymns of the Saints.
After Ode 6, Kontakion (The
sacred heralds of divine proclamation) and Ikos of the Saints.
At Ode 9, We do not sing More Honorable. We instead sing the refrains of the Feast,
with the canon of the feast: Magnify, O my soul, the all-pure Virgin
Theotokos, who is more honorable than the armies on high; and the
Exapostilarion: Saints (Let us praise the God-bearing fathers); G: (Now let us all praise); N: Theotokion (O sole Godhead).
Praises, Tone 5: Saints 4; G: Saints (Let us sound the clarion of hymns, that we
may dance); N: Theotokion (Let us
sound the clarion of hymns, for the Virgin Mother). After the Great Doxology: Troparion of
the Saints; G/N: Resurrectional Theotokion, Tone 4 (The
mystery hidden). The
two remaining Litanies, and the usual Dismissal of the day. First hour.
Hours: Troparion: Saints; Kontakion:
Liturgy: Beatitudes on 8: From the canon of the Saints: 4 from Ode 3, first canon; and 4 from Ode 6, second canon.
After the entrance: Troparia & Kontakia as in Appendix I, C.
Prokimenon, Tone 8: Their sound hath gone forth.
Epistle: Heb. 13:7-16 (§334).
Tone 4.
Gospel: Matt. 5:14-19 (§11).
It is truly meet (as usual).
Communion Hymn: Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.