St. Seraphim of Sarov / Forefeast of
Note: If the rector so
directs, a Polyeleos-rank service may be served for St. Juliana of Lazarevo.
See ODS, §1F2.
Great Vespers:
to the holy, and consubstantial, and life-creating, and indivisible Trinity.
Psalm 103; The litany of peace; Blessed is
the man.
Lord I have Cried, Tone 4, on 8: Forefeast: 3 (With
piety, let us sound forth); Saint 5 (O
most glorious wonder); G: Saint (Come,
ye assemblies of the faithful); N: Forefeast (Christ the truth cometh to the Jordan).
Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 1: Thy mercy, O Lord, shall pursue me. 3
Readings for the Saint. Litany: Let
us all say; Vouchsafe, O Lord;
Litany: Let us complete our evening
Litia: Temple and Saint (With what crowns of praise); G: Saint (O land of Russia, rejoice); N: Forefeast
(O Forerunner John – from the Matins
stichera at the Praises). The usual litany of the Litia: Save, O God, Thy people; and the prayer:
O Master plenteous in mercy.
Aposticha: Forefeast (Splendid was the feast); G: Saint (O venerable father Seraphim); N: Forefeast (Come, all ye faithful) [If the temple is dedicated to St. Seraphim, all of the stichera of the Aposticha are for St. Seraphim (see the Service on July 19), except at Both now…, which is of the forefeast].
Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart; Trisagion
to Our Father; Troparia: Saint (From
thy youth thou didst love Christ) x2; Forefeast (Make ready, O Zebulun) x1. Prayer for the blessing of
the loaves; Blessed be the name of the
Lord, x3; Psalm 33: I will bless the
Lord at all times; to …but they that
seek the Lord shall not be deprived of any good thing; Priest: The blessing of the Lord; Choir: Amen; And the reader begins the Six
Matins: After the Six Psalms, the litany of peace. God is the Lord, Tone 4; Troparia: Forefeast x2; G: Saint; N Forefeast.
Kathismas 10 and 11. After
each Kathisma: Sessional hymn of the Saint; G/N Forefeast.
Polyeleos and Magnification
of the Saint: We bless thee, O venerable father Seraphim, and we honor thy holy
memory, thou instructor of monks and converser with angels. Psalm
verse: With patience I waited patiently
for the Lord, and He was attentive unto me, and He hearkened unto my
Sessional hymn of the Saint (Thy virtuous life hath now shone forth);
G/N Forefeast (In His goodness).
Hymns of Ascents, First
Antiphon, Tone 4: From my youth.
Prokimenon of the Saint, Tone
4: Precious in the sight of the Lord, is
the death of His saints.
Matins Gospel: Matt. 11:27-30
Psalm 50; G: Through the prayers of venerable Seraphim;
N: Through the prayers of the Theotokos;
Have mercy on me, O God; Sticheron of
the Saint in the Menaion (Celebrating
spiritually on the appointed festival). Save,
O God, Thy people.
Canon: Forefeast 6 Glory to Thee, our God, glory to
St. Seraphim (Both canons) 8 Venerable
Father Seraphim, pray to God for us.
Irmos: Let us
chant unto the Lord.
Katavasia of
Theophany: The Lord mighty in battle.
After Ode 3, Kontakion (In
the streams of the Jordan) & Ikos of the Forefeast; Sessional Hymn of
the Saint (Having utterly overcome the
passions); G/N: Forefeast (O
invisible God).
After Ode 6, Kontakion (Having
left the beauty of the world) and Ikos of the Saint.
At Ode 9, More Honorable.
Exapostilarion: Forefeast (The voice of one crying out); G: Saint (Come, O ye faithful); N: Forefeast (How can the river’s streams receive [see
the service to St. Sylvester (also January 2nd) in the English Menaion]).
Praises, Tone 6, on 6:
Forefeast 3 (O hosts of angels);
Saint 3 (The most honored feast); G:
Saint (Come, ye assemblies of monks);
N: Forefeast: (Let the whole earth now
mystically rejoice – see the service to St. Sylvester (also January 2nd) in
the English Menaion). After the Great Doxology, the Troparion of the Saint; G/N
Forefeast; the two remaining Litanies and the usual Dismissal of the day; First
Troparia: Forefeast; G: Saint; Kontakion: Forefeast & Saint, alternating.
Liturgy: 8
Beatitudes verses: From the canon of the Forefeast: 4 from Ode 3; and of the
Saint: 4 from Ode 6.
At the entrance: In a Temple dedicated to a feast of the Lord or of a
Saint: Troparion of the Forefeast; Troparion of the Saint; G: Kontakion of the
Saint; N: Kontakion of the Feast.
But if the Temple is
dedicated to a feast of the Theotokos, Troparion of the Forefeast; Troparion of
the Temple; Troparion of the Saint; Kontakion of the Forefeast; G: Kontakion of
the Saint; N: Kontakion of the Temple.
Prokimenon, Tone 7: Precious in the sight of the Lord.
Epistle: Gal. 5:22-6:2 (§213).
Tone 6.
Gospel: Luke 6:17-23 (§24).
Communion Hymn: In everlasting remembrance. Dismissal.