The Meeting of the Lord


Great Vespers: Blessed is the man.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 1: Feast 8 (Tell us, O Symeon); G/N: Feast (Let the gates of heaven).

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 7: O God, my helper art Thou.

3 Readings for the Feast.

Litia: Feast (The Ancient of Days, Who of old); G: Feast (Examine ye the scriptures); N: Feast (The Ancient of Days).

Aposticha: Feast (Adorn thy bridal-chamber, O Zion); G/N: Feast (He Who is borne upon the cherubim).

Troparia: Feast (Rejoice, thou who art full of grace) x3.


Matins: God is the Lord, Tone 1; Troparia: Feast x3.

After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns of the Feast.

Polyeleos and Magnification of the Feast: We magnify Thee, O Christ the Giver of life, and we honor Thy most-pure Mother, by whom Thou now art brought in accordance with the Law into the Temple of the Lord. Psalm verse: My heart hath poured forth a good word. I speak of my works to the King.

Sessional Hymn of the Feast (Thou didst become a babe for my sake, O Ancient of Days).

Hymns of Ascents, First Antiphon, Tone 4: From my youth.

Prokimenon of the Feast, Tone 4: I shall commemorate thy name.

Matins Gospel: Luke 2:25-32 (§8).

Psalm 50; G: Through the prayers of the Theotokos; N: Repeat; Have mercy on me, O God; and the sticheron of the feast(Let the gates of heaven be opened today). Save, O God, Thy people.


Canon:  Feast                      12           Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

                Irmos (sung twice) and Katavasia of the Feast: The Sun once shone with its rays.


After Ode 3, Sessional hymn of the Feast (Of old, on Mount Sinai).

After Ode 6, Kontakion (Thou Who didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb by Thy birth) and Ikos of the Feast.

At Ode 9, we do not sing More Honorable, we instead sing the refrains of the Feast, with the canon of the feast: O Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of Christians: Do thou protect, preserve, and save those that hope in thee; and the others.


Exapostilaria: Feast (Set by the Spirit) x3.

Praises, Tone 4, Feast 4 (He Who loveth mankind); G/N: Feast (O Christ our God, Whose good pleasure it was). After the Great Doxology, the Troparion of the Feast; the two remaining Litanies and Festal Dismissal: May Christ our true God, Who for our salvation deigned to be carried in the arms of the Righteous Symeon; First Hour.


Hours: Troparion: Feast; Kontakion: Feast.


Liturgy: The Typical Psalms.  Beatitudes on 8: Feast: 4, from Ode 3; Feast 4, from Ode 6.

At the entrance, the deacon (or priest if there is no deacon) says the Festal Introit in place of the usual O come let us worship: The Lord hath made known His salvation, in the sight of the nations hath He revealed His righteousness. 

And immediately the Troparion of the Feast; G/N: Kontakion of the Feast.

Prokimenon, Tone 3: My soul doth magnify the Lord.

Epistle: Heb. 7:7-17 (§316).

Alleluia, Tone 8.

Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 (§7).

Instead of It is truly meet, we sing the refrain O Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of Christians, with the Irmos of the Ninth Ode (In the shadow and the letter of the Law).

Communion Hymn: I will take the cup of salvation.

Festal Dismissal.