Presanctified Liturgy: Tuesday in the 3rd Week

The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste


At the Hours:


Troparion of the Martyrs:


Tone 1: 


By the pangs of Thy saints, /

be Thou entreated, O Lord, /

and heal all our diseases, //

we beseech Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind.


Kontakion of the Martyrs:


Tone 6:  Having left all the army of the world, /

ye cleaved unto the Master in the heavens, /

O forty passion-bearers of the Lord; /

for, having passed through fire and water, O blessed ones, /

as is meet ye received glory from the heavens //

and a multitude of crowns.


Troparia of the Prophecy at the 6th Hour:


Reader: The Troparion of the Prophecy, in the 7th Tone: O Lord, Thou art our salvation and protector in the day of trouble. Have mercy on us according to Thy great mercy, for Thou lovest mankind.


Glory…. Both Now…

Tone 7 [sticheron melody]:  O Lord, Thou art our salvation /

and protector in the day of trouble. /

Have mercy on us according to Thy great mercy, //

for Thou lovest mankind.


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 4th Tone:

The Lord of Hosts is with us, * our helper is the God of Jacob.


Stichos: Our God is refuge and strength.

Deacon: Wisdom!


Reader: The reading is from the Prophecy of Isaiah (9:9-10:4). 


Deacon:  Let us attend!


Reader: Thus saith the Lord: all the people of Ephraim, and they that dwelt in Samaria shall know, who say in their pride and lofty heart, “The bricks are fallen down, but come, let us hew stones, and cut down sycamores and cedars, and let us build for ourselves a tower.” And God shall dash down them that rise up against him on mount Zion, and shall scatter his enemies; even Syria from the rising of the sun, and the Greeks from the setting of the sun, who devour Israel with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but still his hand is exalted. But the people turned not until they were smitten, and they sought not the Lord. So the Lord took away from Israel the head and tail, great and small, in one day: the old man, and them that respect persons, this is the head; and the prophet teaching unlawful things, he is the tail. And they that pronounce this people blessed shall mislead them; and they mislead them that they may devour them. Therefore the Lord shall not take pleasure in their young men, neither shall he have pity on their orphans or on their widows: for they are all transgressors and wicked, and every mouth speaks unjustly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is yet exalted. And iniquity shall burn as fire, and shall be devoured by fire as dry grass: and it shall burn in the thickets of the wood, and shall devour all that is round about the hills. The whole earth is set on fire because of the fierce anger of the Lord, and the people shall be as men burnt by fire: no man shall pity his brother. But one shall turn aside to the right hand, for he shall be hungry; and shall eat on the left, and a man shall by no means be satisfied with eating the flesh of his own arm. For Manasseh shall eat the flesh of Ephraim, and Ephraim the flesh of Manasseh; for they shall besiege Juda together. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is yet exalted. Woe to them that write wickedness; for when they write they do write wickedness, perverting the cause of the poor, violently wresting the judgement of the needy ones of my people, that the widow may be a prey to them, and the orphan a spoil. And what will they do in the day of visitation? for affliction shall come to you from afar: and to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory, that ye may not fall into captivity? For all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is yet exalted.


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 3rd Tone: O chant unto our God, chant ye; chant unto our King, chant ye.


Stichos: Clap your hands, all ye nations; shout unto God with a voice of rejoicing.


At Lord, I have cried, on 10:


Tone 2:

Though I am a creature born on earth, /

yet sharing in Thine image, O Lord, /

I dare to call upon Thee, the Creator, as my Father. /

Living as the Prodigal I have lost the grace of sonship, /

and forgetful of Thy gifts I have wasted mine inheritance. /

Yet disown me not, for Thou wast pleased to send Thine only-begotten Son,/

to suffer for my sake crucifixion in the flesh and death: /

but in Thy love for man bring me back from evil //

and make me Thine own.                                         Twice


The company o martyrs resisted tyrants, /

saying: ‘We are soldiers of the Ruler of the powers on high; /

though ye give us up to fire and torment, //

we shall not deny the power of the Trinity.’


Tone 3: O Lord, who by Thy Cross hast slain the deceiver, /

deliver me from his delusion, /

for I have sinned and been beguiled. /

Cleanse me by the Fast and grant me to do Thy will, O Master, //

that I may look with joy upon Thy Holy Passion.


I have been wounded by the sword of pleasure, O Lord, /

and a shameful death has befallen me. /

O Master, pierced by a spear /

who as Savior bringest healing to those wounded by the arrows of the enemy, /

heal and restore to life my humble soul, //

and grant me to share in Thy Holy Passion.


Tone 2: May the Fast bring light to our souls, O Lord, /

and do Thou count us worthy /

uncondemned and with rejoicing to behold Thy Cross, /

and to worship it with fear; /

and in Thy love for man //

grant us to attain Thy voluntary Passion.


Tone 1:

The choir of forty-fold splendor, /

the whole army assembled by God, /

hath shone forth upon the Fast /

in their honorable sufferings, //

illumining and enlightening our souls.  (Twice)


Tone 2:

The martyrs considered the lake to be a paradise, /

and winter to be as the heat of day, O Christ God; /

and thoughts of the tyrants’ threats did not frighten them. /

Valiant, they feared not the increase of tortures, /

having acquired the weapon of the Cross; /

and therewith, as mighty, they vanquished the foe, //

for which thy have received crowns of grace.


Who will not hymn the choir of the martyrs forty in number?  /

For they entered the waters of the lake boldly, /

and, huddling together in the cold, /

they chanted a hymn unto the Lord: /

Nay, in the rivers art Thou wroth against us, O Lover of mankind? /

Lighten Thou the oppression and bitterness of the wind, /

for our feet are empurpled with our own blood, /

and Thou has led us into thine everlasting habitations, O God!  //

May the bosom of Abraham warm us!


Glory... in the same tone:

Prophetically David cried aloud in the Psalms: /

We went through fire and water, /

and Thou didst bring us out into refreshment!  /

And ye, O martyrs of Christ, /

Fulfilling the word in very deed, /

passed through fire and water /

and entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.  /

Wherefore, pray, O ye forty athletes, //

that we be given great mercy.


Both now… Tone 2 [“When from the Tree...”]:

The all-pure one, beholding the Creator of all /

Who endured much affliction /

and was lifted up upon the Cross,

groaned, saying:  “O all-hymned Lord, my Son and God, /

how is it that Thou endurest dishonor in the flesh, /

desiring to honor Thy creation? /

Glory to Thy great loving-kindness and condescension, //

O Thou Who lovest mankind!”


Prokimena and Old Testament Readings


1st Prokimenon: Tone 3: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, * in the city of our God.


Stichos: In the city of the Lord of Hosts, in the city of our God.


Deacon: Wisdom!


Reader: The reading is from Genesis (7:1-5).        


Deacon:  Let us attend!


Reader:  The Lord God said to Noah, “Enter thou and all thy family into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. And of the clean cattle take in to thee sevens, male and female, and of the unclean cattle pairs male and female. And of clean flying creatures of the sky sevens, male and female, and of all unclean flying creatures pairs, male and female, to maintain seed on all the earth. For yet seven days having passed I bring rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will blot out every offspring which I have made from the face of all the earth. And Noah did all things whatever the Lord God commanded him.


2nd Prokimenon: Tone 2: My mouth shall speak wisdom, * and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.


Stichos:  Hear this, all ye nations; give ear, all ye that inhabit the world.


Deacon: Wisdom!


Reader: The reading is from Proverbs (8:32-9:11).


Deacon:  Let us attend!


Reader:  My son, hear me: blessed is the man who shall hearken to me, and the mortal who shall keep my ways; watching daily at my doors, waiting at the posts of my entrances. For my outgoings are the outgoings of life, and in them is prepared favor from the Lord. But they that sin against me act wickedly against their own souls: and they that hate me love death. Wisdom has built a house for herself, and set up seven pillars. She has killed her beasts; she has mingled her wine in a bowl, and prepared her table. She has sent forth her servants, calling with a loud proclamation to the feast, saying, “ Whoso is foolish, let him turn aside to me:” and to them that want understanding she says, “Come, eat of my bread, and drink wine which I have mingled for you. Leave folly, that ye may reign for ever; and seek wisdom, and improve understanding by knowledge.” He that reproves evil men shall get dishonour to himself; and he that rebukes an ungodly man shall disgrace himself. Rebuke not evil men, lest they should hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give an opportunity to a wise man, and he will be wiser: instruct a just man, and he will receive more instruction. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the counsel of saints is understanding: for to know the law is [the character] of a sound mind. For in this way thou shalt live long, and years of thy life shall be added to thee.


Then, Let my prayer arise, followed by the prayer of St. Ephrem with 3 prostrations.


The Epistle


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 5th Tone:  Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and

shalt preserve us from this generation, and forevermore.

Choir:  Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us from this

generation, and forevermore.

Reader:  Save me, O Lord, for a righteous man there is no more; for truths

have diminished from the sons of men.

Choir:  Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us from this

generation, and forevermore.

Reader: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us.

Choir:  And shalt preserve us from this generation, and forevermore.


Reader: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the

Hebrews: [Hebrews 12:1-10]


Reader: Alleluia in the 4th Tone.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader: Shout with jubilation unto the Lord all the earth; chant ye unto His

name, give glory in praise of Him.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  For Thou hast proved us, O God, and by fire hast Thou tried us

even as silver is tried by fire.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


Gospel [Matthew 20:1-16]


Communion Verse:  O taste and see that the Lord is good.  Rejoice in the

Lord, O ye righteous; praise is meet for the upright.  Alleluia, Alleluia,




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