Presanctified Liturgy: Friday in the 2nd Week

St. Alexis the Man of God


Tone 4:

Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. /

In the multitude of Thy mercy visit my soul, /

and release me from the burden of my transgressions, //

for Thou alone lovest mankind.                Twice


Tone 1:

At the prayers, O Lord, of all the saints and of the Theotokos, /

grant us Thy peace and have mercy upon us, //

for Thou only art compassionate.


The confession of faith that ye made in the arena, O ye saints, /

filled with fear the hosts of demons /

and set men free from error. /

As ye were beheaded ye cried out: /

“May the sacrifice of our souls be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord; /

for desiring Thee who lovest man, //

we have despised this quickly passing life.”


Wise was the exchange ye made, O saints!  /

Ye gave your blood, and received heaven as your reward; /

ye suffered tribulation for a time,/

 and now make glad eternally.  /

Wisely have ye traded: /

forsaking things corruptible, /

ye have received things incorruptible; /

and rejoicing with the choirs of angels //

ye sing continually the praises of the consubstantial Trinity.


O martyrs worthy of all praise, /

your bodies were not buried in the earth, /

yet heaven has received you; /

the gates of Paradise were opened to you, /

and entering within ye have eaten from the tree of life. /

Pray to Christ that He may grant peace //

and great mercy to our souls.



Tone 1 (Special Melody: “O all-praised martyrs…”):

We know thee to be a man of God, /

both in title and in deed; /

for thou didst shine forth in the virtues, /

having endured boundless poverty /

and straightened circumstances on earth: /

and made the faithful //

steadfast by thy miracles.          Twice


With a desire which bedewed the flesh /

thou didst quench /

the burning lusts, O Alexis. /

Piously didst thou exchange thy chamber for a hut, /

and bodily delight /

for the divine likeness of the angels. /

With them do thou pray, /

that peace and great mercy //

be granted to our souls.


Thou didst remain unrecognized and in tribulation, O wise one, /

before the gates /

of thy sacred parents, /

as the servants of the household mocked thee /

in thy time of need. /

And dying, thou wast revealed /

through the wonders thou didst work, /

healing infirmities //

and expelling evil spirits.


Glory… Tone 2:

Christ God, loving thy calm, silent, guileless and meek life, /

O most blessed Alexis, /

hath shown thee to be a beacon to the whole world, /

shining more brightly than the sun; /

for thou didst count thy wife and fleeting wealth as but dust, /

remaining unknown in thy father's house, /

desiring Christ alone Who is beloved of thee. /

Yet remember thou thy servants at the throne of God, King of all, /

O venerable father, //

and cease not to pray for thy servants.


Both now… Tone 1:

Let us hymn the Virgin Mary, /

the glory of the whole world, /

who sprang forth from men and gave birth unto the Master, /

the portal of heaven, and the subject of the hymnody of the incorporeal hosts; /

for she hath been shown to be heaven and the temple of the Godhead. /

Having destroyed the middle-wall of enmity, /

she hath brought forth peace and opened wide the kingdom. /

Therefore, having her as the confirmation of our faith, /

we have as champion the Lord born of her.  /

Be of good courage!  Yea, be ye of good cheer, O people of God, //

for He vanquisheth the foe, in that He is almighty!


Prokimena and Old Testament Readings


Tone 4: Let Thy mercy and Thy truth continually help me.


Stichos: With patience I waited patiently for the Lord, and He was attentive unto me.


Lesson: Genesis 5:32 - 6:8


Tone 6: I said: O Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul.


Stichos:  Blessed is the man that hath understanding for the poor man and the pauper.


Lesson: Proverbs 6:20 - 7:1


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