Forgiveness Sunday / The 1st & 2nd Finding of the Head of St. John the Baptist

Beatitudes Verses, on 12: 4 from the Octoechos, 4 from Ode 3 Triodion; 4 from Ode 6 of the Forerunner


1. By the tree was Adam forced to depart from paradise; but by the Tree of the Cross was the thief made to dwell in paradise.  For the one by tasting, broke the commandment of the creator; while the other, crucified with Him, confessed the hidden God, crying out: Remember me in Thy kingdom!


2. O Lord Who wast lifted up upon the Cross, Who hast destroyed the power of death and as God hast destroyed the record of our sins, grant also the repentance of the thief unto us who faithfully serve Thee and cry out to thee, O Christ God Who alone lovest mankind: Remember us also in Thy kingdom!


3. On the Cross Thou didst tear asunder with the spear the record of our sins; and, numbered among the dead, Thou didst bind the tyrant of hades, O Lord Who lovest mankind, Who by Thy resurrection hast delivered all from the bonds of hades.  Thereby have we been illumined, and we cry to Thee: Remember us also in Thy kingdom!


4. O Thou Who alone art immortal, Who wast crucified and as almighty didst arise from the tomb on the third day, and hast raised up Adam, the first created: Vouchsafe that I also may turn to repentance with my whole heart, and may ever cry out to Thee with fervent faith: Remember me, O Savior, in Thy kingdom!


5. Long ago the crafty serpent envied my honor and whispered deceit in Eve’s ear.  By her was I led astray and banished, woe is me!  from the dance of life!


6. Rashly I stretched out my hand and tasted from the tree of knowledge, though God had ordered me on no account to eat from it; and I was bitterly cast out from the divine glory.


7. Woe to thee, my wretched soul!  How hast thou not recognized the craftiness of the enemy?  How hast thou not perceived his deceit and envy?  But thou wast darkened in mind and hast transgressed the commandment of thy maker.


8.  O holy Virgin, thou art my hope and my protection, for thou alone hast covered fallen Adam’s nakedness: by thy childbearing, pure Lady, clothe me once more with incorruption.


9. Christ called thee a true prophet, and the most exalted of the prophets, the Baptist and Forerunner of Life; for thou didst behold Him Whom the Law and prophets foretold.


10.  The fountain of miracles, the treasury of grace, thy sacred head, O Baptist, Prophet and Forerunner, could not bear to be concealed, and having revealed itself, it poured forth springs of healing.


11.  The Christ-loving and right glorious city doth set before itself thy precious and divine head, O Forerunner, as most rich praise, a radiant adornment and splendid shield.


12.  Moses, great among the prophets, prefigured thee in the ark, the table, the candlestick and the jar, signifying the incarnation of the Most High which took place through thee, O Virgin Mother.


Troparia & Kontakia


Tone 4:  Having learned the joyful proclamation of the Resurrection from the angel, /

and having cast off the ancestral condemnation, /

the women disciples of the Lord spake to the apostles exultantly: /

Death is despoiled and Christ God is risen, //

granting to the world great mercy.


Tone 4:  The head of the Forerunner, which hath shone forth from the earth, /

doth shed rays of incorruption and healing upon the faithful.  /

On high it assembleth a multitude of angels, /

and below it calleth upon the human race with one voice //

to send up glory to Christ God.


[Troparion of the Temple]


Tone 2:  O prophet of God and Forerunner of grace, /

having obtained thy head from the earth like a most sacred rose, /

we ever receive healings, for again, as of old, //

thou dost preach repentance in all the world.


Glory...  [Kontakion of the Temple]


Both now... Tone 6:  O Thou guide unto wisdom, /

bestower of prudence, instructor of the foolish and defender of the poor:  /

Establish and grant understanding unto my heart, O Master.  /

Grant me speech, O Word of the Father; /

for behold, I shall not keep my lips from crying unto Thee: O Merciful One, //

have mercy on me who have fallen.


The Epistle


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 8th Tone:  Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.

Choir:  Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.

Reader:  In Judea is God known, His name is great in Israel.

Choir:  Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.

Reader:  In the 7th Tone: The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.

Choir:  The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.


Reader: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Romans:

[Rom. 13:11-14:4 (§112); II Cor. 4:6-15 (§176)]


Reader: Alleluia in the 6th Tone: It is good to give praise unto the Lord and to chant unto Thy name, O Most High.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  To proclaim in the morning Thy mercy, and Thy truth by night.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  In the 4th Tone: The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


Gospel [Matt. 6:14-21 (§17); Matt. 11:2-15 (§40)]


Communion Verse:  Praise the Lord in the heavens, praise Him in the highest!  In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.  Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!