Prophet Elisha / St. Methodius of Constantinople,
Saturday, Tone 1
Beatitudes on 8, Octoechos 6.
1. By food did the enemy lead Adam out of paradise, but by the Cross did Christ lead
back into it the thief who cried out: Remember me, O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy
2. The countless multitude of Thine athletes—the holy hierarchs, the all-wise women and
the all-glorious prophets—entreat Thee, O Jesus our God: Grant us remission of
transgressions, and great mercy.
3. O most sacred athletes of Christ, who have finished your race, with the sacred
hierarchs and prophets ye have been vouchsafed to dwell in the heavenly city, rejoicing
with the angels.
4. O Christ, in never-waning light settle those whom Thou hast taken to Thyself,
overlooking their transgressions, in that Thou art the compassionate God, that we may
glorify Thine incalculable mercy, O Benefactor.
5. We worship the Father, we glorify the Son, and all of us, the faithful, hymn the all-holy
Spirit. Remember us who cry to Thee, O God the consubstantial Trinity and Unity.
6. We hymn thee, O pure one, as the spacious palace, the throne of glory and the cloud of
light; and we pray: Dispel the gloomy cloud from our souls by thy divine ¬supplications.
Troparia & Kontakia
Tone 2: O
Apostles, Martyrs, and Prophets, /
Venerable and Righteous Ones; /
ye that have accomplished a good labor and kept the
Faith, /
that have boldness before the Savior; O Good Ones, //
intercede for us, we pray, that our souls be saved.
Tone 4: The angel in the flesh, the foundation of the prophets, /
the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, /
the glorious Elijah from on high sent down upon Elisha /
the grace to dispel infirmities and to cleanse lepers. //
Wherefore, he poureth forth healings upon those who honor him.
Tone 4: The truth of things hath revealed thee to thy flock /
as a rule of faith, an icon of meekness and a teacher of temperance; /
therefore thou hast achieved the heights by humility, /
riches by poverty. /
O Father and Hierarch Methodius, /
intercede with Christ God //
that our souls be saved.
Tone 2: Thou wast shown to be a prophet of God, /
receiving a twofold measure of
grace, /
which truly befitted thee, O
blessed Elisha; /
for thou wast the companion of
Elijah, /
and with him dost unceasingly
entreat Christ God in behalf of
us all.
Tone 2: Thou didst struggle on earth like an incorporeal being, O Methodius, /
and hast inherited the heavens, /
as one who explained the veneration of icons to the ends of the earth; /
for, afflicted greatly with toils and pangs, /
thou didst not cease boldly to denounce those //
who cast aside the icons of Christ.
Glory… Tone 8:
With the saints give rest, O Christ, to the souls of Thy
servants, //
where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing,
but life everlasting.
Both now… Tone 8:
In thee we have a wall and a haven, and an intercessor
acceptable to God, //
Whom thou didst bear, O Theotokos unwedded, salvation of
the faithful.
The Epistle
Reader: The
Prokimenon in the 4th Tone: Thou art a priest forever, after the order
Choir: Thou
art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.
Reader: The
Lord said unto my Lord: Sit Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine
the footstool of Thy feet.
Choir: Thou
art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.
Reader: In the 8th Tone: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.
Choir: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.
Reader: The Reading is from the Catholic Epistle the
Holy James:
5:10-20 (§57); Romans 3:28-4:3 (§85)]
Reader: Alleluia
in the 5th Tone: Moses and Aaron are among His priests, and Samuel
among those who call upon His name.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: A
light hath dawned forth for the righteous and gladness for the upright of
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: In
the 4th Tone: The
righteous cried, and the Lord heard them, and He
them out of all their tribulations.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel [Luke
4:22-30 (§14); Matthew 7:24-8:4 (§24)]
Communion Verse: In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall
not be
afraid of evil tidings. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous;
praise is meet for the upright.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!