6th Sunday after Pentecost / Martyr Euphemia / St. Olga
on 10: Octoechos 6; Martyr 4, from Ode 3.
1. Believing Thee to be God, O Christ, the thief
on the cross confessed Thee in a pure manner, crying out from the depths of his
heart: Remember me in Thy kingdom, O
2. Together let us hymn as Savior and Creator,
Him Who on the Cross budded forth life for our race and caused the curse which
originated from the tree to wither up.
3. By Thy death hast Thou destroyed the power of
death, O Christ, and Thou didst raise up with Thyself the dead of ages past,
who now hymn Thee as our true God and Savior.
4. Arriving at Thy tomb, O Christ, the honorable
women sought to anoint Thee with myrrh, O Bestower of life; but an angel
appeared to them, crying out: The Lord is risen!
5. When Thou wast crucified between two
condemned thieves, O Christ, one of them blasphemed Thee and was justly damned,
while the other confessed Thee and dwelleth now in paradise.
6. When they had come to the choir of the
apostles, the honorable women cried out: Christ is risen! Let us worship Him as Master and Creator.
7. The all-rich Word, seeing thee arrayed in the
wounds of thy contest as with golden vesture, O virgin, led thee to the heavenly
habitations of the incorporeal ranks, that thou mightest rejoice.
8. Thou didst zealously hasten to the sweet
fragrance of the Myrrh which shone forth from the pure Virgin, and didst pour
forth the myrrh of divine healings upon the world. Wherefore, I cry to thee:
dispel now the noisome passions of my heart.
9. With divine overshadowing heal thou my soul
which sickeneth because of the corrupting passions and filleth headlong over
the brink of destruction, O all-praised martyr; and establish it, that it be no
10. Rejoice, thou who alone gavest birth to the
Lord of all! Rejoice, mediatress of
life! Rejoice, mountain overshadowed and
unquarried, thou confirmation of the faithful, who alone art all-immaculate!
Troparia & Kontakia
Tone 5: Let us, O faithful, praise and worship the
Word /
Who is
co-unoriginate with the Father and the Spirit, /
and Who was born of
the Virgin for our salvation; /
for He was pleased
to ascend the Cross in the flesh /
and to endure death,
and to raise the
dead by His glorious Resurrection.
[Troparion of the
Tone 4: Thy ewe-lamb Euphemia. cried out to Thee with a loud voice, O Jesus: /
“I love Thee, O my Bridegroom, /
and, seeking Thee, I pass through many struggles; /
I am crucified and buried with Thee in Thy baptism, /
and suffer for Thy sake, that I might reign with Thee; /
I die for Thee, that I might live with Thee. /
As an unblemished sacrifice accept me, /
who sacrifice myself with love for Thee.” //
By her supplications, save Thou our souls, in that Thou art merciful.
Tone 1: Having furnished thy mind with wings of divine knowledge, /
thou didst soar far above visible creation; /
and seeking God, the Creator of all, and finding Him, /
thou didst receive rebirth through baptism; /
and delighting in the Tree of life, /
O ever-glorious Olga, //
thou remainest incorrupt forever.
Tone 5: Unto hades, O my Savior, didst Thou descend,
and having broken
its gates as one omnipotent, /
Thou, as Creator,
didst raise up the dead together with Thyself. /
And Thou didst break
the sting of death, /
and didst deliver
Adam from the curse, O Lover of mankind. /
Wherefore, we all
cry unto Thee: //
Save us, O Lord.
[Kontakion of the
Tone 6: For thy Bridegroom
thou didst appoint for thyself /
feats in thy contest and struggles
in the Faith. /
Pray now, through the Theotokos, /
that the audacity of the foe and
heresies /
may be subdued beneath the feet of
the Orthodox, /
O all-praised one, /
who accepted and preserved the
definition //
of the six hundred and thirty
God-bearing fathers.
Glory… Tone 4: Let us hymn today God the Benefactor of all, /
Who glorified the
divinely wise Olga in Russia, //
that through her
supplications He give remission of sins to our souls.
Both now... Tone
6: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, /
O mediation unto the Creator unfailing, /
disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners, /
but be thou quick, O good one, to help us who in faith
cry unto thee; /
hasten to intercession and speed thou to make
supplication, //
thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor
The Epistle
Reader: The Prokimenon in
the 5th Tone: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us from
this generation and for evermore.
Choir: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt
preserve us from this generation and for evermore.
Reader: Save me, O Lord
for a righteous man there is no more.
Choir: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt
preserve us from this generation and for evermore.
Reader: In
the 4th Tone: Wondrous is God in His saints; the God of
Choir: Wondrous
is God in His saints; the God of Israel.
Reader: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul
to the Romans:
[Rom. 12:6-14 (§110); II Cor. 6:1-10 (§181)]
Reader: Alleluia in the 5th
Tone: Of Thy mercies, O Lord, will I sing for ever. Unto generation and generation will I declare
Thy truth with my mouth.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: For Thou hast
said: Mercy shall be built up for ever, in the heavens shall Thy truth be
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Reader: In the 1st
Tone: With patience I waited patiently for the lord, and He was attentive
unto me.
Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Gospel [Matt. 9:1-8 (§29); Luke 7:36-50 (§33)]
Communion Verse: Praise the
Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! In everlasting remembrance
shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!