Hieromartyr Ignatius of Antioch & St. John of Kronstadt

Beatitudes on 12: From the Canon of the Forefeast: 4, from Ode 3; Hieromartyr: 4, from Ode 3; From the canon of the Saint: 4 from Ode 6.


1.  The same stone which the builders rejected, is become the chief cornerstone; this is the stone whereon Christ hath established the Church which He redeemed from among the nations.


2.  Let all creation sing the hymns of the forefeast unto Him who was begotten of the Father before the morning-star, and hath now shone forth ineffably from the Virgin, and in the flesh is born in Bethlehem, in His surpassing loving-kindness.


3.  A star hath shone forth from the tribe of Judah, which the kings have recognized.  They made a journey from the lands of the East, and hasten to arrive, that they might gaze upon Christ who in the flesh is born in Bethlehem.


4.  Perceiving the incarnation of Christ, Isaiah manifestly prophesieth in the Holy Spirit, saying: “The Lord is born of the Virgin as a babe, for our regeneration!  His government is upon His shoulders!”


5. O father, thou hast been shown forth as a model of sacred suffering, a tower of endurance, a rule of courage, a pillar of the Church, the confirmation of the Faith, a sign of virtue: having been crowned with honored sufferings in Christ.


6.  Truly wast thou called the God-bearer, O father; for, held in the arms of the Lord while yet a babe, thou wast presented by Him Who saith to us: “Be ye for Me like unto this child!”


7.  I am the pure wheat of God,” thou didst cry, O father; “and I hasten to be ground by the wild beasts, that my body may be crushed, that my members may be devoured, that I may become food for the beast, that I may be shown to be pure bread for God!”


8.  Thou didst complete the strange contest of martyrdom with endurance, and didst show forth wondrous courage surpassing all who suffered before thee, consumed with love of unremitting zeal which, like fire, set thy soul aflame.


9.  Thou wast a fruitful olive tree in the house of thy Lord, O divinely manifest John, for the Lord imparted divine knowledge unto thee and strengthened thee in thine apostolic work.


10.  Ye are the members of the body of Christ!  Thus, with the Apostle Paul didst thou preach, and didst teach thy flock to love Christ alone, that all may be one.


11.  Thy life is holy, thy discourse, O divinely wise one, was filled with the grace of God, and thy heart became a vessel of grace-filled prayer.  Wherefore with faith and love we honor thee.


12.  The angelic nature marveled at the ineffable wonder which took place within thee, O all-holy Virgin; how He Who is incorporeal and sustaineth all things took flesh of thee.


Troparia & Kontakia


Tone 4:  Make ready, O Bethlehem, /

Eden hath been opened unto all. /

Prepare, O Ephratha, /

for the Tree of life hath blossomed in the cave from the Virgin. /

For her womb proved to be a spiritual paradise /

wherefrom there came the Divine Plant, /

whereof eating we shall live and not die like Adam. /

Christ is born //

to raise the image that fell of old.


Tone 4: As thou didst share in the ways of the apostles /

and didst occupy their throne, /

thou didst find thine activity to be a passage to divine vision, /

O divinely inspired one. /

Wherefore, ordering the word of truth, /

thou didst suffer for the Faith even to the shedding of thy blood, /

O hieromartyr Ignatius.. /

Entreat Christ God, //

that our souls be saved.


Tone 4:  O wonderworker, who livest in Christ /

forever, take pity in thy love upon people in misfortunes; /

hearken unto thy children who with faith call upon thee, /

expecting compassionate aid from thee, //

O John of Kronstadt, our beloved pastor.


Tone 3:  The luminous day of thy radiant struggles /

proclaimeth beforehand to all Him Who hath been born in the cave; /

for thirsting to delight in His love, /

thou didst hasten to be devoured by the wild beasts.  /

Wherefore, thou hast been called the God-bearer, //

O most wise Ignatius.


Glory… Tone 4:  O father John, namesake of grace, /

who wast chosen by God from childhood, /

who in thy youth miraculously received from Him the gift of learning, /

and in a dream wast most gloriously called to be a priest: //

Entreat Christ God, that we may all be with thee in the kingdom of heaven.


Both now… Tone 3:  Today the Virgin cometh to the cave to give birth ineffably /

to the Word Who was before the ages.  /

Dance, O earth, at the message!  /

Give glory with the angels and shepherds /

unto Him Who was willing to be gazed upon as a young child //

and is pre-eternal God.


The Epistle


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 7th Tone:  The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.

Choir:  The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.

Reader: Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

Choir:  The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope in Him.

Reader:  The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord.
Choir:  And shall hope in Him.


Reader: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians:

[Gal. 3:8-12 (§205); Heb. 4:14-5:6 (§311); I John 4:7-11 (§73 mid.)]


Reader: Alleluia in the 4th Tone.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  The righteous man shall flourish like a palm tree, and like a cedar in Lebanon shall he be multiplied.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  They that are planted in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God they shall blossom forth.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


Gospel [Luke 13:18-29 (§72); Mark 9:33-41 (§41); Luke 6:31-36 (§26)]


Communion Verse:  In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!