Supplemental Texts, missing from the English Menaion, but which are needed when Celebrating the Feast of St. Seraphim on July 19/August 1



The Sixth and Final Sticheron to St. Seraphim at Lord I have cried…


O venerable Seraphim, the assemblies of the faithful join chorus in thy memory today and cry aloud: Having forsaken all the beauties of the world for the love of Christ and made thy dwelling in the wilderness of Sarov, thou didst in nowise fear the assaults of the invisible foe, but by thy supplications didst sweep them away like dust. Wherefore, entreat the Lord, that He grant peace and great mercy to our souls.


At Lord I have cried… The Dogmatic Theotokion in Tone 8:


In His love for mankind, the King of heaven appeared on earth and dwelt among men; for He Who received flesh from the pure Virgin and came forth from her having received human nature, is the only son of God, two in nature but not hypostasis.  Therefore, proclaiming Him to be truly perfect God and perfect man, we confess Christ our God.  Him do thou beseech, O Mother unwedded, that our souls find mercy!


Aposticha stichera, in Tone 5, Spec. Mel: "Rejoice, O life-bearing Cross..."


Rejoice, converser with angels, O venerable Seraphim! Having lived piously on earth, thou didst teach the fear of the Lord unto the many who came to thee. Illumined by the grace of the all-holy Spirit, thou didst behold as present things which were to come, and hast filled many who were suffering in spirit with compunction and joy. Wherefore, we beseech thee: Pray to the Lord in behalf of those who honor thee!


Stichos:  Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.


Rejoice, most wondrous instructor of the erring, who wast vouchsafed to behold in the temple Christ the Lord with angels and archangels. And now, O venerable one, who in the heavens dost take unceasing delight in the vision of Him, pray for us who keep thy memory in faith.


Stichos: Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord; in His commandments shall he greatly delight.


Rejoice, O venerable Seraphim, for thou hast commanded all to keep Christ's true faith; and, yearning for the life on high, thou didst disdain wealth. And thou dost now behold the ineffable beauty of heaven and takest delight in the sweet hymnody of the angels. Wherefore, entreat the Lord, that He grant us peace and great mercy.


Glory... Tone 6:


O venerable father Seraphim, who can recount thy labors and sufferings? And what tongue can describe thy harsh life in the wilderness, thy vigils and fasting, yea, and thy life in seclusion, thy silence and unceasing prayer? Thou hast truly been shown to be the adornment of those who fast and a steadfast intercessor before God. Wherefore, we cry unto thee: Rejoice, O model of monastic life! Rejoice, great consolation amid misfortunes and sorrows, and fervent advocate for all! O venerable one, pray that our souls be saved!


Both now… in the Same Tone:


Tone 6:  Christ the Lord, my Creator and Deliverer, Who came forth from thy womb, O all-pure one, and robed Himself in me, hath freed Adam from the curse.  Wherefore, like the angel do we unceasingly cry out to thee, O most pure one, who art truly the Mother of God and Virgin: Rejoice!  Rejoice, O Mistress, thou intercession, protection and salvation for our souls!


Resurrectional Theotokion after the Troparion:


Tone 4: The mystery hidden from before the ages and unknown even to the angels, through thee, O Theotokos, hath been revealed to those on earth: God incarnate in unconfused union, Who willingly accepted the Cross for our sake and thereby raising up the first-formed man, hath saved our souls from death.


Theotokion for the Sessional Hymn after the First reading from the Psalter:


Tone 4:  The awesome wonder of the conception and the ineffable manner of the birth made known in thee, O pure ever-Virgin, doth affright my mind and amaze my thoughts.  O Theotokos, thy glory is extended unto all, unto the salvation of our souls.


Theotokion for the Sessional Hymn after the Second reading from the Psalter:


Tone 1:  Accepting the prayer of us that flee to thy protection, O most holy Virgin, cease not to entreat the lover of mankind to save thy servants.”


The Theotokion of the Sessional hymn, following the Magnification:


Tone 7:  O most holy Virgin, have mercy upon us that flee unto thee who art merciful, and that ask thy fervent help.  As Mother of the Most High, entreat thy Son, Christ our God, that He save thy servants.


The Theotokion of the Sessional Hymn following the Third Ode:


Tone 4:  When thou dost stand before the face of my Creator on the day of His righteous Judgment, O Mistress, intercede for me, and deliver me from eternal torment, that I go not down into Hades, but that I be saved by thy defense, O all-holy Theotokos.


Theotokion of the Exapostilarion:


O most pure Theotokos, placing our hope in thee after God, we pray: Beseech Him that was born of thee to grant peace and great mercy to the world!


Theotokion at the Praises:


Tone 6: O Theotokos, thou art the true vine who hath budded forth for us the Fruit of life.  With the holy apostles entreat Him, we pray thee, O Mistress, that He have mercy upon our souls.