Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos / Ss. Joachim and Anna

14th Sunday After Pentecost / Tone 5


Great Vespers: Blessed is the man.

Lord I have Cried, Tone 5, on 10: Octoechos 4; Feast: 3 (Joachim and Anna hold festival); Saints 3 (Come, let us now join chorus); G: Feast (O blessed twain); N: Sunday Dogmatic in the tone of the week.

Entry; O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day, Tone 6: The Lord is King.

Aposticha: Octoechos; G/N: Feast (Joachim and Anna).

Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin x2; Feast (Thy nativity, O Theotokos Virgin) x1.


Matins: God is the Lord, Tone 5; Troparia: Resurrection x2; G: Saints (Joachim and Anna, who were righteous); N: Feast.

After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Blessed are the blameless; Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed).

Hypakoe, Hymns of Ascent, and Prokimenon, Tone 5.

Matins Gospel 3, Mark 16:9-20 (§71).

Having beheld the resurrection; Psalm 50; G: Through the prayers of the apostles; N: Through the prayers of the Theotokos; Have mercy on me, O God; Jesus having risen. Save, O God, Thy people.


Canon:   Resurrection                       4             Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

               Theotokos                           2             O Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

               Feast (1st Canon)               4             O Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

               Saints                                   4             Holy righteous Joachim and Anna, pray to God for us.

               Irmos of the Canon of the Resurrection, Tone 5.

               Katavasia: Inscribing the invincible weapon of the Cross.


After Ode 3, Kontakion (Joachim and Anna were freed) and Ikos of the Feast; Kontakion (Anna now rejoiceth), Ikos, and Sessional hymn of the Saints (Joachim and Anna rejoice).

After Ode 6, Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection.

At Ode 9, More Honorable. 

Holy is the Lord, our God.   

Exapostilaria: Resurrection; G: Saints (She who hath abolished the curse of Eve); N: Feast (Like sun from sun).

Praises, Tone 5, on 8: Octoechos 4; Feast 4 (Leap up now, O Prophet David – from the Matins Aposticha, with the Doxasticon (Today the most immaculate) and the Psalm verses); G: Gospel Sticheron; N: Most blessed art thou. After the Great Doxology, the Troparion: Today is salvation; the two remaining Litanies and Resurrectional Dismissal; First Hour.


Hours: Troparia: Resurrection; G: Saints & Feast, alternating; Kontakion: Feast & Resurrection, alternating.


Liturgy: Beatitudes on 12: Octoechos: 4; Feast: 4, from Ode 1; Saints: 4, from Ode 6.

After entrance: in a temple of the Lord or of the Theotokos, Troparion of the Resurrection; Feast; and Saints; Kontakion of the Resurrection; G: Saints; N: Feast.

               In a temple of a saint, Troparion of the Resurrection; Feast; Temple; and Saints; Kontakion of the Resurrection; Temple; G: Saints; N: Feast.

Prokimenon Tone 6, Save, O Lord, Thy people. & Tone 4: Wondrous is God in His saints.

Epistle: Gal. 6:11-18 (§215); II Cor. 1:21-2:4 (§170); Gal. 4:22-31 (§210 mid).

Alleluia, Tone 1.

Gospel: John 3:13-17 (§9); Matt. 22:2-14 (§89); Luke 8:16-21 (§36).

Instead of It is truly meet, we sing the refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the most glorious nativity of the Mother of God, with the Irmos of the Ninth Ode (Foreign to mothers is virginity).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord in the heavens. & Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.

Resurrectional Dismissal.