

p. 20 has the Katavasia as I shall open my mouth, but it should be the Katavasia of the Meeting of the Lord.


p. 23 The rubrics at Matins read: Polyeleos; and Magnification of the Saints – but they should read: Polyeleos; By the Waters of Babylon; and Magnification of the Saints


p. 78 The saint of the day at the Presanctified Liturgy should be St. Benedict (March 14th) rather than St. Alexis.


P. 88 It states that there should be four Lambs prepared at the Proskomedia, which normally would be true, but since the feast of the Annunciation falls on Tuesday, only 2 Lambs would be prepared at this liturgy, one for the feast of Palm Sunday, and one for Holy Monday’s Presanctified Liturgy. At the liturgy on Annunciation, an additional Lamb would be prepared for the Presanctified Liturgy on Holy Wednesday.


p. 150 After the Polyeleos and Magnification of the Saints, the rubrics should read: The Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed).


p. 176 At the God is the Lord, the order of the Troparia should be: Resurrection x2; G/N: Resurrectional Theotokion, Tone 4 (The mystery hidden).


p. 291 The Tone at Lord, I have cried should be Tone 2 rather than Tone 4.