Presanctified Liturgy: Wednesday in the 6th Week

Forefeast of Annunciation


Tone 5:

I am rich in passions and clothed in the deceitful robe of hypocrisy, /

and I rejoice in the sins of self-indulgence.  /

There is no limit to my lack of love.  /

I neglect my spiritual understanding, /

that lies at the gate of repentance, /

starved of all good things, sick through want of care.  /

O Lord, make me like Lazarus poor in sin, /

that I be not tormented in the flame /

that never shall be quenched, /

and pray in vain for a finger to be dipped in water /

and laid upon my tongue.  /

But in Thy love for mankind //

make me dwell with the Patriarch Abraham.                    Twice


Your souls, O holy martyrs, /

were filled with an insatiable love; /

not denying Christ ye endured great sufferings and torment, /

and ye cast down the tyrants’ pride.  /

Ye kept the faith unaltered and unharmed, /

and now ye have gone to dwell in heaven.  /

Since ye have boldness before Christ, //

pray that peace be given to the world, and to our souls great mercy.


When Thou wast journeying in the flesh, O Jesus, /

on the other side of the Jordan, /

Thou hast said to Thy companions:

“My friend Lazarus is already dead, /

and now has been committed to the tomb.  /

And so for your sakes I rejoice, my friends, /

for by this ye shall learn that I know all things, /

since I am God, inseparable from the Father, /

though in my visible appearance I am man. /

Let us go then, to bring him back to life, /

that death may feel the defeat /

and utter destruction that I bring upon it, //

bestowing my great mercy on the world.


O ye faithful, let us follow the example of Martha and Mary, /

and as intercessors let us send to the Lord our acts of righteousness, /

that He may come to raise up from the dead our spiritual understanding, /

which lies insensible within the tomb of negligence, /

lacking all feeling of the fear of God /

and having no vital energy.  /

So let us cry: As once by Thy dread authority, O merciful Lord, /

Thou hast raised up Thy friend Lazarus, /

so now give life to all of us, //

and grant us Thy great mercy.


Tone: 6: Lazarus has now been two days in the tomb, /

and He sees the dead from all the ages.  /

There he beholds strange sights of terror, /

a multitude that none can number, the prisoners of hell.  /

His sisters bitterly lament, looking upon his tomb.  /

But Christ comes to bring His friend to life, /

that a single hymn of praise may be offered up with one accord by all: //

Blessed art Thou, O Savior, have mercy upon us.


Tone 4 (Special Melody: “As one valiant…”):

The Archangel Gabriel /

confirmeth the mystery hidden and unknown even to the angels; /

and he is now come to thee /

who alone art incorrupt, /

the comely turtledove, /

the restoration of our race, /

and crieth out to thee, O all-holy one: /

“Rejoice! Be thou made ready by my words //

to receive in thy womb God the Word!”                          Twice


A splendid palace /

hath been prepared for thee, O Master: /

the pure womb of the divine Maiden! /

Come Thou and enter therein, /

have pity on thy creation /

which in envy undertook to oppose Thee, /

is held in thrall to the deceiver, /

hath lost its primal beauty //

and awaiteth Thy saving descent.


The Archangel Gabriel /

manifestly cometh to thee, O all-immaculate one, /

and crieth out to thee: /

“Rejoice, thou annulment of the curse, /

restoration of the fallen! /

Rejoice, thou who alone hast been chosen by God! /

Rejoice, chariot of the Sun of glory! /

Receive thou the Incorporeal One //

Who desireth to make His abode within thy womb!


Glory… Both now  Tone 2:

Today Gabriel announceth the glad tidings /

to her who is full of grace, saying: /

"Rejoice, O Mother unwedded, who knoweth not wedlock! /

Marvel not at my strange appearance, /

neither be thou afraid, for I am an archangel. /

The serpent once deceived Eve, /

but now I announce joy to thee: /

thou shalt remain incorrupt //

and shalt give birth to the Lord, O all-pure one!"


Prokimena and Old Testament Readings


Tone 4:

I will be well-pleasing before the Lord in the land of the living.


Stichos: I am filled with love, for the Lord will hear the voice of my supplication.


Reading: Genesis 43:26-31; 45:1-16


Tone 4:

My vows unto the Lord will I pay in the presence of all His people.


Stichos: I believed, wherefore I spake; I was humbled exceedingly.


Reading: Proverbs 21:23 – 22:4


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