14th Sunday after Pentecost / Prophet Samuel / Afterfeast of the Dormition

Beatitudes on 10: Octoechos: 6; Feast: 4, from Ode 6.


1.  Believing Thee to be God, O Christ, the thief on the cross confessed Thee in a pure

manner, crying out from the depths of his heart:  Remember me in Thy kingdom, O Lord!


2.  Together let us hymn as Savior and Creator, Him Who on the Cross budded forth life

for our race and caused the curse which originated from the tree to wither up.


3.  By Thy death hast Thou destroyed the power of death, O Christ, and Thou didst raise

up with Thyself the dead of ages past, who now hymn Thee as our true God and Savior.


4.  Arriving at Thy tomb, O Christ, the honorable women sought to anoint Thee with

myrrh, O Bestower of life; but an angel appeared to them, crying out: The Lord is risen!


5.  When Thou wast crucified between two condemned thieves, O Christ, one of them

blasphemed Thee and was justly damned, while the other confessed Thee and dwelleth

now in paradise.


6.  When they had come to the choir of the apostles, the honorable women cried out:

Christ is risen!  Let us worship Him as Master and Creator.


7. God, the King of all, giveth thee that which transcendeth nature; for, as He kept thee a

virgin during thy birthgiving, so did He preserve thy body untouched by corruption in the

tomb; and He glorified thee with Himself by a divine translation, rendering thee honor as

a Son to His Mother.


8. Truly, O Virgin, thine Offspring set thee in the Holy of Holies as the splendid

candlestick of the immaterial Light, the golden censer of the divine Coal, the jar and the

staff, the divinely inscribed tablet, the holy ark, the table of the Word of life.


9. From thee did Life shine forth, leaving intact the seal of thy virginity.  How, therefore,

hast thine all-pure and life-giving body been permitted to be tempted by death?


10. As the temple of Life, thou didst attain life everlasting; for, having given birth to the

hypostatic Life, thou didst pass through death on to life.

Troparia & Kontakia
Tone 5:  Let us, O faithful, praise and worship the Word /
Who is co-unoriginate with the Father and the Spirit, /
and Who was born of the Virgin for our salvation; /
for He was pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh /
and to endure death, //
and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.
Tone 1: In giving birth thou didst preserve thy virginity; /
in thy dormition thou didst not forsake the world, O Theotokos. /
Thou wast translated unto life, /
since thou art the Mother of Life; //
and by thine intercessions dost thou deliver our souls from death.

[Troparion of the Temple]

Tone 2: Celebrating the memory /
of Thy prophet Samuel, O Lord, //
through him do we entreat Thee: Save Thou our souls!

Tone 5:  Unto hades, O my Savior, didst Thou descend, /

and having broken its gates as one omnipotent, /

Thou, as Creator, didst raise up the dead together with Thyself. /

And Thou didst break the sting of death, /

and didst deliver Adam from the curse, O Lover of mankind. /

Wherefore, we all cry unto Thee: //

Save us, O Lord.


[Kontakion of the Temple]


Glory… Tone 8: As a gift of great worth given to God before thy conception, /

from thine infancy thou didst serve him, O most blessed one; /

and thou wast vouchsafed to declare beforehand the things of the future. //

Wherefore, we cry out to thee: Rejoice, O Samuel, prophet of God, thou great high priest!


Both now...  Tone 2:  The grave and death could not hold the Theotokos, /

who is sleepless in her intercessions and an unfailing hope in her mediations. /

For as the Mother of Life she was translated unto life //

by Him Who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.


The Epistle


Reader: The Prokimenon in the 5th Tone: Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt

preserve us from this generation and for evermore.

Choir:  Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us from this generation and for


Reader:  Save me, O Lord for a righteous man there is no more.

Choir:  Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us from this generation and for


Reader: In the 3rd Tone:  My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in

God my Savior.

Choir:  My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.


Reader: The Reading is from the Second Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the

Corinthians: [II Cor. 1:21-2:4 (§170)]


Reader: Alleluia in the 5th Tone: Of Thy mercies, O Lord, will I sing for ever.  Unto

generation and generation will I declare Thy truth with my mouth.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  For Thou hast said: Mercy shall be built up for ever, in the heavens shall Thy

truth be established.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Reader:  In the 2nd Tone: Arise, O Lord, into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Thy holiness.

Choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


Gospel [Matt. 22:2-14 (§89)]


Instead of “It is truly meet…” we chant the Irmos of the 9th Ode of the First Canon of

the feast, First Tone:


            Refrain:  The angels, having beheld the Dormition of the Most pure One, * were

struck with wonder, * at how the Virgin went up from earth to heaven.

            Irmos:   In thee, O Virgin without spot, the bounds of nature are overcome: for

childbirth remains virgin and death is betrothed to life.  O Theotokos, Virgin after

bearing child and alive after death, do thou ever save thine inheritance.


Communion Verse:  Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest!  I will

take the cup of salvation, and I will call upon the name of the Lord.  Alleluia, Alleluia,



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